Thursday, December 18, 2008

Early Trucks

Until around 1900, men had to move cargo and other heavy items by animal or train power. Then............came the internal compustion engine that ran on gasoline. Man's world changed in a flash. Now you could haul logs, grain, farm produce, and just about anything else for short or long distances. The early engines were four, six, and eight cylinders......take your pick. There were pick-up trucks, log trucks, flatbed turcks..........trucks, trucks, trucks. WOW! The photo shows an oldie but goodie. Shes rusty now, but in her day, she was a dandy.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sing It Man!!

Wrens are a long way from being the biggest bird in the flock. However, when it comes to belting out a song.........they can certainly do it. The one in the photo is certaily enjoying singing to the Lord. A wrens lung capacity can't be very big, but what a voice. They are friendly little critters. If you sit still long enough they will come right to you. They are very domestic and love to build their nests around houses, garages, patios, hanging flower baskets, etc. You find them everywhere. They eat a variety of foods. Just put out a bird feeder and you'll find them among the variety of birds that frequent the feeder.

The Last Kiss

As people age, they become less capable of taking care of themselves. As time passes, they cannot dress themselves, feed themselves, keep house, or do the personal things that healthy people do. When that time comes........they usually end up in a nursing home. The couple in the photo have been married 70 years. They had lived in the same nursing home for three years. Now, one of them is waiting to be taken to a "special needs" care home. This will split them up for the first time in their lives. They share one last kiss before this sad event takes place.

Friday, December 12, 2008


What's that you say??? What's the difference in a huckelberry and a blue berry?? Well according to the dictionary, a huckelberry is: "any genus of the heath family bearing dark-blue berries......loosley a blueberry". So there you have it.......a huckelberry and a blue berry are one and the same. In Louisiana, the woods are filled with wild huckelberrys. They produce fruit like crazy and the birds, squirrels, and boys love them. In the fall the leaves turn a real pretty red and add so much to the beauty of the landscape. Yep, the huckelberry is a cherished memeber of our native forests.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Womens Handwork

Way back when, women took great pride in their "handwork". There was tatt'n, sewing, embrodery, quilting, needlepoint, etc. Some were extremely good at it, and some were, well........let's don't go there. They often used scripture verses as their subjects like the one in the photo. All of this good stuff made a womans home a place of pride, comfort, and beauty. Sometimes the work was given as gifts. Sometimes it was used for decoration. Sometimes it was used for some functional purpose. All in all, it was much appreciated by all who viewed it.

Christmas Decorations For The Old Cabin

Christmas was the time to acknowledge the birth of Jesus with special decorations for your home............a log cabin, a cottage, a lap-board house, or a mansion. This old home looks great with a simple wreath of pine and ribbon. It's the thought that God became a man and lived among us for a season. Now we remember this great event in special ways. As God decorates our lives, we decorate our homes and buildings.

Decorating The Big House For Christmas

Christmas was a BIG DEAL at the Big House. Everything was bigger and better for everyone. Crops had been gathered, so field work was done for the year. Christmas was a time for celebrating life with fun, food, and fellowship. Local evergreens were strung together to bring out the festive nature of the season. Red bows were put here and there, and special arrangements were found inside and outside the house. Food was prepared in great proportions. Everyone ate a "balanced diet"......they had a cookie in each hand.......hahahahaha..They celebrated the birth of Christ....the Savior of the world.