Saturday, November 22, 2008


Before electricity came to rural areas, people relied on cisterns for water for cooking, bathing, etc. One reliable source of water was the cistern. They were containers made of wood, brick, or other materials for the sole purpose of storing water. Water from rain ran into house gutters, then into a catch gutter that sent the water to the cistern (see photo). If the cistern didn't have a top on it, there was usually some type of screen made of wire or cloth to filter out sticks, flowers, pollen, and other undesireable matter. Without the screen, all would go into the cistern. Another problem with a cistern was "wiggletails". That's what people called mosquito larve. Sometimes they would be there in hugh numbers.

It was a happy day when electricty came to the area and pumps brougt water from the earth, clean, clear, and cold........YEA!!!

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