Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Living in the country had its pleasures and problems back in yesteryear. One of the problems was the proliferation of grass and weeds in and outside the yard. There were a couple of animals that helped eliminate, or at least reduced this problem......chickens and goats. Goats were the best "machine" for the problem. If it could be eaten, it was. Weeds, grass, vines, brush, even paper and cardboard were on the menu for them. There was one small problem......goats didn't know the difference in a flower plant, a garden plant, a weed, or a field of young corn plants. Frankly, they just didn't care. Left alone they were simply a machine to remove green plants. In today's language they would be listed as "a non-selective" plant eradicator. Shucks.......guess everything has a down side.

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