Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wash Tubs

Wash tubs should not be confused with wash pots. Wash tubs held liquids, but never had fires built under them. The wash pot had fires built under them for cleaning and/or cooking purposes. The wash tub was usually pressed into service for cleaning and/or short-term storage. They was also used for "wash tubs" for people. On Saturday nights in the summer, all the kids got a bath need it or not. After 3 kids baths, the water was changed and the next three got their "turn". A straight back chair was placed in front of the tub with a big towel placed over it to give the girls of the family privacy. After all the kids had their was time for a bath for Mom.........then Dad got the "grave yard" shift. Not a bad sustem...just took some time and lots of drawn water.

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